Tuesday, November 10, 2009


Hi everyone!

Sorry I haven't posted....there really has been nothing to report. We are just waiting for our appointment for Gestational Diabetes....my shower is Sunday and I am soo excited!

But anyway, here are some pictures of me at 26 weeks and Nola's room with all her furniture's the way it is going to stay. I need to set the crib up but since I don't have the mattress yet I just put the bumper in so I could see what it looked like - just need to decorate now!

Monday, November 2, 2009

H1N1 Question/Debate

Can anyone of you out there please tell me what your thoughts are on the H1N1 shot for pregnant women - did you get it? Do you know someone who did?

I got the flu shot as I mentioned before and now my OB says I have to have the H1N1 shot and its really not up for discussion but I am not pleased. I dont know enough about it and I dont feel comfortable injecting that into me where it has not really been tested a lot.....Im getting mixed reviews from people and Jack told me to call and get a second opinion which I will do tomorrow before I go get it but I want to know about all you pregnant women out there or those who are not pregnant that may not more about this vaccine than I do!