Wednesday, December 31, 2008


Its not even 2009 yet and I have some great news for all of you out there in either Mass or a state that has a fertility coverage mandate (state law).

I live in Massachusetts where fertility coverage is a mandate...IF you have an HMO..not a PPO. WE, unfortuately, have a PPO..which means they do not cover ANY fertility treatments. They cover blood work and ultrasounds but nothing that assists you in getting pregnant.

So heres where it gets good...I was reading all my blog updates when I came across "Someday, Someway". She had made an entry that she felt like she was the only one who lived in mass that didnt have IVF coverage. Then I noticed a response from a nice girl names Laurie...Laurie told her to call Blue Cross Blue Shield and ask about their Blue Direct MHO policy for individuals. She said it ran about $380 a month and she used it when she cycled and that it covered IVF with ISCI and assisted hatching. Laurie put her email address under her name - thank god!

I couldnt believe what I was reading!!!! So...I did what any of you would have done and email her to ask her questions...Now I was begining to get excited! I wanted to find out all the specifics before I called. My dad (who works in the benefit field) also told me what to ask Laurie. Come to find out - she purchased this insurance as a 2nd (main) policy just on herself. Who the hell knew???

So today I called and spoke to someone that told me that I can chose any of the plans listed and they ALL cover fertility treatments...did you read that ALL!!!! and that it will also cover it even though its a pre-existing condition! I cant believe here is a little breakdown...

Coverage is about $380 a month
Co-Pay is about $20/visit
Deductable is $500. so after you hit $500. everything after that is covered!!! ALl the IVF!
I mean we were going to possibly have to pay $10K-$15K...depending.....

So now we have our first appointment with Reproductive Science Center on Monday, Jan 5th and after the 2 hour consultation we should have a pretty good idea at where we stand. WE may not even need to do IVF but even if we had to do more IUI's with those Gonal shots..those cost $1000 and the IUI costs $375. Then if we cancel me off Jacks insurance - it would be a steal! hahah well not a steal...but still.

Its so good to know that we have an option now....Before I know you have read that I am not sure how I feel about IVF...mainly the whole going under etc piece but I was also nervous about it financially but now, Im not worried at all. If they say that is the ONLY way to have a baby then thats what it is...and its covered!!!!!

If anyone has any questions about any of this...please feel free to email me at

HAPPY NEW YEAR to you all!


  1. That is so great, what a great bit of news to start 2009!!


  2. Wow! That's fantastic!!! That's a great way to start the new year!

  3. YAYYYYYY!!!

    I tried that for NJ and they said since my employer offers health coverage I couldn't have it... fucking bummer...but I hope it's much better for you good luck!!

  4. Hi! I found your blog through another IF blog - YAY for the good news about the policy! It caught my attention as we are currently preparing our house to sell in this wonderful *sucky* housing market so that we can *hopefully* move to a state more IF-friendly state. Could you post or email me the contact info? Do you know if it's only available in Mass? We have BCBS in Indiana. Good luck at your appt on Monday, hope all goes well!

  5. Hmmm...just might have to check on that!! How awesome would that be if there is a slight loophole in all states with this Insurance company! :)

